Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hard Rain Video Clip


Last weekend we shot a video clip at my apartment. Keeping in line with the process of the album, it was done ridiculous-cheap and we were lucky to have help from Tony Prescott, a friend of Pablos (from the band) who was the Director of Photography. I directed the sucker too with some ideas and shots I had brewing for a while. Pablo was also instrumental in setting the whole thing up and giving shot direction, and Rob Saponja lit the thing beautifully.

Thinking of an idea for it was very hard. Anybody can strap some instruments on and attempt to look pretty in front of a camera, but we really thought that was a cop out, especially given the fact that a.) i'm not pretty and b.) when i'm forced to do moves I look like i'm being forced to do some moves. Jump! Pout! Kick a leg! FUCK OFF!

So I thought why not attempt to make an extremely boring video clip that in it's own way was still interesting but also took the piss out of how completely meaningless most clips are these days.

So when it goes to air you can watch me........flicking a light on and off (oh the excitement!), dunking my head into a basin of water (make it stop!) reading a book (will it ever end?). You get the point. We had a mad BBQ and I attempted to get Toddy extremely drunk, as I do most other times I see him. Rory had just flown in from Hawaii and Nick from Ireland so it was good to be all together again and have some family time.

Anyway hope you dig the ultimate boringness that is the Hard Rain video clip when it finally airs!
